Finally, my hell week is over.
I felt so drained and dizzy from serious sleep deprivation.
Home doesn't feel like home recently.
My bro checked-in into Tekong.
Somehow, his absence changes the atmosphere.
Just hope that he is doing fine.
My sis allocated me the task to write him a letter of encouragement which he will get to read during his 6 days of field camp.
What should I write??
Before I move on to find some pastry recipe, here's some semi-visual updates.
I went to "F1 Rocks Singapore" Day 1 concept!
Mega thanks to Kai!

P.S: I am hooked on sodagreen!
Rainbow brought me to this yummy ramen restaurant in The Central called 玉.
I thought the food was okies. I super loveeee the perfectly cooked 3/4 egg.
I wish that they will sell it like some 小吃, which I can easily gobble up 5!

We went to some desert shop in Chinatown. Thumb-up durian ice shaving is making miss hongkong. I wana go Taiwan! SOooon please!
Anyway, congrats to Rainbow for the flying colors.
Keep it up gal!Shuting accompanied to my all-time favourite shop, Daiso.
I wanted to get some rice vinegar for my mum.
She's hooked on making sushi these days, and finished my bottle.
Daiso used to carry it.
A bottle of rice vinegar for $2 is cheap sia.
But no stock! Just my luck..
Haha. We went on to mess around with the Halloween stuff.

P.S: I wish, I wish for a Halloween Party!
Finally, we gave the September babies a celebration.
Most importantly, the 5 of us finally sat down for a decent meal.
I realized we seldom eat together these days.
Anyways, the restaurant is Tampopo at Liang Court.
Girls and guy had ramen.
I gave it a miss because I saw a fresh huge piece of pork "swimming" in the soup.
Luckily, cos I super loved my scallop dish.
It tasted heavenly and had a generous share of scallops.

And satisfying 3/4 boiled egg!

Most importantly, we got free and fabulous deserts (cost $10+) due to some crop up.
We really had to thank S***** & A* H*** !!

Don't think we have the opportunity to go out and chill any sooner.
Crunch time is here again.

Happy Belated Birthday, gals!

*Ten, ten*
Met up with Rainbow and Vincent my dear x-colleagues!
I was my first time bringing people to Arabs Street.
Got abit lost.
However, I managed to use GPS to walk us to the destination safely.
Don't ask me how ya.
I had no idea how I manage to use the so-difficult-to-navigate GPS.
We went to Le Cafe Caire (the one I went with Jeremy).
There's veggietarian food so Vin could dine there.

I tried the grilled quails with rice.
The quails tasted good but the portion was unfilling. However, I really love their rice which was cooked with herb and raisin.

I like the wedge too. They were soft inside with hints of herb taste.

Us and the night, where the curbside story begins...

We went to Ah Chew for dessert, and I saw San who was tau bao-ing desserts too. Haha.

Saw this interesting graffiti.
I think it is definitely relevant that the new HSS building has graffiti like this..
Darn! I realized I wear white for all the pictures! I gues time to be adventureous and try more colours.