"Pray for the best."
Woke up this morning to more chaos around the world. With the Thailand protests unresolved, now a series of terror attacks in Mumbai sends chills across borders. My heart goes out to those who are traumatized and victimized by these incidents. Innocent vacations aboard turned out to be major emotion upheavals for many, or for some, their final days on Earth.
I used to be really scared to get out of Singapore. You know, all those stories about terrorist attacks and kipnappings frighten me! However, I come to feel that life and death are predestined. My mum was telling me about her friend's sister yesterday. She worked in a bank and occupied some managerial position. One of her two sons is a lawyer. Happy story, isn't it? Unfortunately, she was involved in an accident during her journey home from her OT. Now, she is in coma and survives on machines for 20 years.
Who could have known there they would involve in accident? Tourists had no idea that such episodes would unfold during their trips. This doesn't mean that we have to stop doing what we like or want to do. Haha, at least this is how I convince myself to be more courageous to travel around. Okies, I will do it soon!!
There is a pointer from the news: Register with the embassy, so at least they know they have to look out for you in time of crisis.
"I love snow globes!"My first desire to collect snow globes surfaced about 3 years ago. I was obsessed with Star Wars when I was working. So I could go to the toy stores to look at Star Wars figurines or lightsabre replicas. This day, I saw a Cinderella snow globe, and it was stunning. From then on, I was hooked on snow globes.I love to shake them and watch the glitters settle. Somehow that moment is mesmerizing.
So far, I have 11 globes, and it is all thanks to those who know about my "hobby". Here are couple of my favorites:

This is my first globe, and it is from ST. She knew that I wanted to start a collection and got me one during my birthday. It is also nostalgic as it reminds me of our days in poly.

This is really pretty. The boy and girl can turn, and there is music. It must be expensive. However, it is the picture it paints in my mind that attracts me. When I watch the the figurines spin, I start to see myself staying in a farm, laying on the grass reading a nice book and surrounds by the comfortabing mother nature.
Now I am thinking, "If things could freeze and I could preserve them in globes, wouldn't life be peaceful?" These changing circumstances and emotions are making me tired. Sometimes, I really don't feel like caring anymore. I know if I stop to care, it means an end. How important is it to me now?
2 more papers and 1 more essay left! I am excited about "19th Nov". For now back to rushing..
For the fans of Super Mario... and the incoming President Obama, here is something cute: http://superobamaworld.com/
All the best, everyone!=)
HS301, HS401 and French are spoiling my appetite these few days. Everything is so rushed.. Woke up this morning, feeling so robust (suddenly)! Though yesterday was so unproductive, I feel refreshed this morning.
Watched Wizard of Oz with Renita yesterday night. C'est super!! The singing, dancing and creative usage of prop! I love it! The musical cheers my soul!
Mmm, I REALLY want to go for another one directed by Hossan Leong! I admire his sense of humor! He is so hilarious.. Should I go? Should I go?? Should I slaugther my piggy bank?? mmmm.
As of now, 1.09pm on a Sunday afternoon, it is 11hours and 50mins before the final race of 2008 Formula One Season starts in Sao Paulo, Brazil. My stomach is doing drumrolls now! Who the hell will be the winner!?!
A week ago, I had this dream. I dreamt that Raikkonen, Massa, Hamilton and Alonso were vying for the podium positions in Brazil. At a turn, Massa and Hamilton bumped into each other. Massa went wide, but Hamilton crashed. He had to retire from the race. So the ultimate outcome?? First: Raikkonen, Second: Massa & Third: Alonso! My ideal scenario! Lol. So Raikkonen won the Grand Prix in Brazil 2008, Massa won the individual Championship, and Alonso won something! Haa..
Dream on! Haha.. I think Hamilton will win the Championship anyway.. It is an achievement for something of my age lo!! Nonetheless, I am excited to watch the race! The winner takes it all! Hope that Raikkonen and Alonso have a better season next year!
Counting down for F1!
Counting down to end of the exams!
All the best to everyone!