According to Esther and Van's theory on the congestion of birthdays in August and September, the December is the month of "mating". The holidays, the poor weather, the romance impulsion, etc... I think you'll get the picture. The other day, AFTH was celebrating birthday for all the August and September babies. Almost 1/3 of us (28 members) were involved! HAha. So, there are lotsa friends who are celebrating their birthdays during these couple of months. Here are some pictures from some celebrations.
A short and sweet celebration for Ivan at Ichiban. Hope that he won't mind. I realized that there is tempura ice cream there! Omg.. I miss those ice cream! Yumm yummm! Slurp!

missing from pic: san who was working ot.

Esther turned 21! She hosted a party and invited us to join in the fun. Unfortunatey, Van had her own party that day with her family and relatives. While, ASK was sick. The pool side party was sooo romantic that it suddenly felt like a wedding celebration than a birthday party. Nonetheless, tt was definitely relaxing with the dim lights reflecting from the water.
Weather was obedient until closing to the end of the party. It rained out without notification! All of us were struck in 2 pavilions. A few of us were trapped in a pavilion with a cat! The girls were screaming like mad. One of the guys commented that the cat should be afraid of us instead! Haha. To make the best out of the situation, we played some games. Fun day!
Yummy and pretty cupcakes!

Esther with her cousin, sister and friend.

Esther with Denise and I.
Esther with a cute girl girl from the condo.
Cutting the cake! Esther was so pretty!
Esther with her family.
Esther with us!
*Scratch head* What is Esther doing? Okies, she was trying to do some candid photoshot. But we didn't get her clue. Haha.
Ah Kai's
A simple dinner celebration in Town for our dear Ah Kai!! It is memorable that 6 of us attacking a mud pie at Coffee Club! Lol.

Lastly, dear Van's 21st PURPLE birthday celebration at Costa Sand!

Pretty Van and her friend who celebrated his birthday with her. Look at the cake! It was yummy!